Holiday park reviews
At HolidayParkSpecials, we find it important that guests can share their experiences with other guests and visitors, including those regarding the minus and plus points of the holiday park and the ratings for service and value for money. A park review is changed or only partially accepted based on the following criteria:
Reasons to change one or more parks of the review:
- The privacy of the holiday park employees is violated;
- An answer is in the wrong field and belongs to another question;
- The review contains incorrect park information;
- Temporary specials/prices are quoted;
- Reference is made to a holiday park that the guest has not stayed in.
Reasons to remove one or more parts of the review:
- The review contains unsavoury remarks;
- The review contains offensive text.
Reasons to remove an entire review:
- The guest has requested the withdrawal of the review;
- The review is not written in English or is not legible;
- The guest indicates in the assessment that he has not slept at the holiday park.
Guest photos
When completing a park review, it is also possible to upload one of more photos from your holiday. These guest photos should give a clear image of the holiday park, the surroundings or activities that guests have participated in during their holiday.
Reasons for photos not to be published:
- Photos in which guests pose for the camera;
- Photos with messy accommodation, unattractive and/or unnecessary details and/or damage;
- Photos with poor quality (blurry, too bright or too dark);
- Photos of food and drink (unless it is clearly from the holiday park);
- Photos which have been edited, for example with a mobile phone or with copywright infringement from the photographer;
- Photos with (almost) the same view. In this case, the best photo is selected;
- Photos from an image database, or when the photo is not taken by the guest themselves;
- At the guest's request.
When can I see my review and/or photographs?
The rating of a holiday park is displayed when there are at least 5 reviews available. HolidayParkSpecials receive many reviews daily, and all reviews and photos are checked manually. We hope to approve/request changes/reject holiday park reviews within 5 working days or receipt. The reviews can then be viewed online after approval. Guests will be informed by email.
Want to know more? Take a look at our page about holiday park reviews.