Great campsite, avoid Roan Camping booking

5 August 2017 at 07:38:45
Firstly, the campsite itself is 5 star. Perfect.
However, the staff at Roan seem to have a problem with guests from the UK. With 30 seconds of our arrival to the Roan check in point (bearing in mind we’d been travelling for around 9 hours in total), we were treated to our first dose of cleaning militancy,... seemingly aimed specifically at UK guests. We were told that we had to clean the caravan after our stay. OK, that’s fine and understood. We were then told a litany of things people from the UK don’t do. “Guests from the UK never dry their dishes, you must dry your dishes”, “Guests from the UK do not clean properly, you must clean properly” etc. You can draw your own conclusions on what we thought of these nation specific generalisations. It was all quite offensive: the staff did not know us.
These types of communications continued throughout the holiday, culminating in a patently ridiculous exchange upon our check out. We cleaned the caravan very well, but the Roan staff seemed desperate to find something to complain about. Roan staff found a glass with a 2cm water smear and thrust it triumphantly into to my face, “see, not clean!”. They went on to spot another minor glass smear (around 5 cm) on the front door and pretty much screamed at me, “this is NOT clean!”. Did the staff notice that we’d cleaned under the bed, removing months’ worth of dirt and dust? No, of course not. Did they notice that we’d cleaned the shower seal that hadn’t been touched for several months and behind the toilet which also was very dirty on our arrival? No. Did they spot the extractor fan had been cleaned for the first time in years? No, they did not.
By this point, the situation had become completely ridiculous and I was so shocked by their triumphant posturing, it was farcical. We collected our full deposit, which was curiously not withheld given the supposedly severe problems encountered, and left.
In short, the campsite is great, but if you are from the UK book directly with the lovely campsite staff and avoid booking via Roan who have rude staff and poor caravans in the worst locations.
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